Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The sinister side of SB1070

Let's take a look at SB1070 from a different point of view. A point of view that started way back in 1513.

Even before the 1500s the Spanish were running around with what they were calling a legal "Inquisition". That meant that they were running around countries forcing others to adopt Catholicism, and then enforcing the rules/laws (sound familiar?) of the Catholic church, which included death if you broke certain rules.

In Mexico, the inquisition began in 1500s something around the 1520s MEXICAN INQUISITION went on for many years until about 1820. Obviously, we saw the results of this by the way that Mexico has turned out now.

In 1513 the Spanish came out with a document called "El Requerimiento" or "The Requirement". It was a "legal" document used by the spanish to impose their laws and ways on the natives of any country they felt like taking over and changing. It happened in South America and it happened in Mexico. People lost their way of life, their language and their culture. They were forced to follow the laws of the spanish and convert to catholicism.

The language of the requirement was spanish, and since the indigenous people did not understand spanish, they did not know what it meant, so some that resisted were arrested and forced to change or even killed. The language of the requirement was that, while the spanish understood it the natives did not.

This 1070 law is the same thing. They have no defined what "reasonable suspicion" is or just how they will avoid racial profiling in finding illegal immigrants. It's ridiculous.

Another part of this is very recent. In 1993 California set up Operation Gatekeeper which militarized the border between San Diego and Tijuana. In Texas, Operation Hold The Line militarized the border between El Paso, a few other cities, and Juarez. That change made it so the bulk of illegal immigration was funneled through Arizona. What's in Arizona? The most unforgiving terrain in the country, the desert. That's why we hear of people dying in the desert from either dehydration due to heat, or from freezing during the winter.

Then comes SB1070. It's like the government saying,"Oh, you made it? Alright, well now it's a crime for you to be here. Get out."

"Oh, but they should do it legally! They should apply for citizenship so they can be here legally like the rest of us," say Anti-Immigration people everywhere. Yeah? Well SB1070 makes it a CRIME to be here without documentation. And anyone that knows the process to becoming a citizen, knows that in order to even apply you must not have a criminal record. So how can those people enter legally if they have a criminal record due to this law? Not to mention, the parts in the law saying anybody who hires them, even anybody riding in a vehicle with an illegal immigrant, may be charged with a misdemeanor.

The language isn't even clear enough for citizens to understand the law. It's ridiculous that anyone would support a law which THEY don't even understand, that's how ignorant people have become because they feel they can trust their government.

I say, don't trust the government. Do your research, make your own opinions, and speak up! You give loyalty to your country always, but to your government when it deserves it. Well it doesn't deserve it right now, they have begun on a hunt on human beings. This isn't a war zone. This is American soil. Welcome to Arizona.


Links to stuff in this article, below:
Operation Gatekeeper
Operation Hold The Line
El Requerimento- Translated in English- The Requirement
Legal Immigration Process


Levi T said...

People love to ignore the fact that it oftentimes takes years to emmigrate legally. Thus:

A) No one who is aware of how convoluted the immigration system is should be able to say "Well, they should do it legally. It's not like it's hard or anything!"

B) We need to realize that it would be more prudent to restructure the immigration system so that determined individuals can make a smooth and expedient transition into American citizenship, thus preventing the temptation to do it illegally.

Espi said...

This 1070 law is the same thing. They have no defined what "reasonable suspicion" is or just how they will avoid racial profiling in finding illegal immigrants. It's ridiculous. - yes I agree how vague. what constitutes reasonable suspicion other that 'they looked Mexican.'

I wish more people shared your perspective. I have one friend on facebook that keeps posting this horribly ignorant snide comments about illegal aliens. If people take time to study the history of this region they will learn so much about how the indigenous people(included native americans and mexicans)have been tossed back and forth by force through conquest and under the name of manifest destiny.

I'm happy to see someone is writing the other side. This nation stands SO much on the backs of these 'illegals.'

also...i just wanted to echo what was said about coming here legally. its SO hard. You have to have a lot of money and that's so much why these people are coming here because they don't have it!

thanks for sharing your thoughts eddie!

LFlores said...

You write these so nicely Edgar. Great writing. I think this law is beyond ridiculous. It's stupid.

I agree with your views completely.
